
Your Money goes... Kashing!
Your Money goes... Kashing!

Optimizing expense
management and
variable compensation processes.

PayPass is a corporate services company, specializing in the design and implementation of employment benefits, incentive pay and rewards, based on the accumulation of OROS to effectively support the needs of human resources, marketing, accounting and management, as departments of an organization.

About Us
Keeping in mind

collaborators and
the entire value chain

Experience in the application of payments and benefits to third parties, through electronic vouchers and of digital payment of the VISA brand.

We design, structure and manage benefits programs tailored to our customers.


A tool that provides benefits for the company and the users. The mobile app assure the access for PayPass users, allowing them to consult, manage products and access to associated services.

A very useful platform that provides access to users to all the tools in one place, making it easy to manage the corporate expenses. Avoiding unnecessary processes and delays at the moment of management and consulting products and orders.


Company Benefits

Reduction of financial and operating costs to companies.

Business web platform for total product management.

Agile and precise.

High rate of productivity in the company.

Improvement of work environment and well-being for collaborators.

Implementation of effective marketing campaigns.

PCI Top security level.

AML transactional monitoring for better security.

Chip, contactless and band technology.
